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Natural Jasper Stone Pendant with an Oriental feel and look

Encased in copper, this natural jasper shows off all of its colors. Orange, brown, green, and beige, semi-transparent, when held up to the light, is absolutely gorgeous. A portion of the stone was left out, showing its rugged beauty. It's amazing what nature can do and it's evident in this stone specimen.

The copper surrounding the pendant is created by electroforming; the details and textures are unique to this pendant. Upon closer inspection, it's as if it has been lying under the sea and restored.

The chain is equally as beautiful. Each link, each jump ring constructed by hand in the shape of Figure 8's. 

When worn, this pendant necklace rests just below the breastbone. The entire piece is approximately 22 inches long including the pendant.

It is a simple statement piece perfect for work attire or casual date night with hubby. This is one of those pieces that you'll gravitate to time and time again, quickly becoming one of your favorites.

The one pictured is the one you'll receive. It's a one-of-a-kind piece, made especially for you! All items ship ready for gift giving in a cute little box.

Thank you for visiting our little shop!

Electroformed Natural Agate Pendant | Tinklet Jewelry

SKU: NEC_1343
Excluding Sales Tax
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